Saturday, June 13, 2009

How do I add members from a different email server to my group?

If the owner of the mail address gives his / her permission, here is how you can add a member to your Yahoo group:

How can I directly add (not invite) members to my group?

What鈥檚 the difference between "Invite Members" and "Add Members"?

How do I add members from a different email server to my group?
The only way you can add members is to use the "Add" feature provided by Yahoo on your group site. You cannot go elsewhere to add members. Never add people to your group unless you have their permission to do so.

You can send personal emails using your private email service to people and invite them to join your group. Just add the link to your group's home page in the email. If they are interested, they can then go to the group site and click the blue "Join This Group" button on the home page.
Reply:mail server makes no difference to adding, only permission does.

How can I directly add (not invite) members to my group?
Reply:good question but idk

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