Thursday, July 9, 2009

How to trace an aol email address to a server/computer?

Someone sent me an email through an aol account for one time use. How can I trace this email and find out who/where it came from?

How to trace an aol email address to a server/computer?
Open full headers on the email, then find the source or origination IP address in that full heading.

Then open up command prompt (click run on the start menu, then type cmd). Hit enter. Then type "tracert" without quotes followed by the IP address you found in the mail header. An IP address looks something like this: Or No number will be above 255, and there are four numbers involved, separated by periods. But the ones I gave are just examples of ones, not ones you should use. They're fairly generic anyway.

When you do tracert, it will say which servers it goes through to reach that destination. Usually these servers have city names in their location. Apart from that, you can't get much more specific without hacking their computer directly. That usually involves some illegal activity.
Reply:Good question there are so many internet freaks out there that just

somehow know how to bounce emails from different servers. Best of Luck.

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